Find out what's happening behind the scenes
Royalty Resides in the Borough
For those of you who were not able to attend Tournament of Succession VII, you missed a landmark event. First, it was the first time in SMA history (or in any mainstream reenactment group history) when the next monarchs were chosen via a target archery tournament. Second, you missed our own chancellor, Sir Madoc Arundel, winning the tournament with the inspiration of his lady wife, Dame Lucilla Theresa de Courtenay. The two are now the Crown Prince and Crown Princess - heirs to the thrones of Alendia. Coronation will be in the Shire of Strathhaven in February. Additionally, Dame Lucilla answered her writ and was elevated to knight banneret in the Golden Chain. Sir Madoc was raised up to knight commander in the Golden Chain becoming the first person within the SMA to reach knight commander in all three orders of knighthood.
Flight Emprise III a Qualified Success
Cnoc Fraochan was the host of the first Flight Emprise two years ago. The borough was honored again to host the third iteration. Although it was a sparsely attended event (just six adults in total) and was not on the royal progress this time, a couple local members were honored by Baron Madoc with Their Graces' permission:
Dame Aibann was elevated to knight bachelor of the Golden Chain
Dame Lucilla was elevated to knight banneret of the Golden Maunch
Dame Lucilla also received a writ for elevation to knight banneret of the Golden Chain
Court at Pennsic?
For the first time since the SMA's inception, the Kingdom of Alendia had an official presence at Pennsic. Court was held by the Crown on middle Sunday with the intent of honoring several writs and setting a precedent of cross-gaming. A couple local members were on the docket:
Dame Katerina was elevated to knight banneret of the Golden Quill
Dame Lucilla received a writ for elevation to knight banneret of the Golden Maunch