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Eschina Violet_Arms_edited.png

Dame Eschina Violet

Exchequer (Treasurer)

Asgarr Ward - thumbnail.png

Sir Asgarr Ward, Lord Guardian

of the Crossroads

Marshal (Heavy Weapons)

Civic Arms - Marche of Cnoc Fraochan - thumbnail.png


Dean (A&S Officer)

Uaithne macFaelain_edited_edited.png

Sir Uaithne mac Fáeláin

Marshal (Archery/Throwing)

Lucilla - thumbnail.png

Dame Lucilla Theresa de Courtenay

Lady Ácléaf BrÄ“aÆ¿ern

Mistress of the List (Tournament Coordinator)


Dame Aranwen ferch Rhys ap Gwalter

Hospitaler (Welcome Wagon)

Civic Arms - Marche of Cnoc Fraochan - thumbnail.png


Youth Activities

Asgarr Ward - thumbnail.png

Sir Asgarr Ward, Lord Guardian

of the Crossroads

Marshal (Live Steel)

Civic Arms - Marche of Cnoc Fraochan - thumbnail.png


Social Media Officer

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